Method and Trait#

Method system#

MoonBit supports methods in a different way from traditional object-oriented languages. A method in MoonBit is just a toplevel function associated with a type constructor. There are two ways to define a method:

  • fn method_name(self : SelfType, ..), where the method belongs to SelfType. The name of the first parameter must be self here

  • fn SelfTypeName::method_name(...), where the method belongs to SelfTypeName

enum List[X] {
  Cons(X, List[X])

fn length[X](self : List[X]) -> Int {

fn List::length_qualified[X](xs : List[X]) -> Int {

The difference between these two syntax is: the syntax fn method_name(self : T, ..) defines a regular function. So the defined method can be involked directly, just like regular functions. In the fn T::method_name(..) syntax, however, the method is defined in the small namespace T, and must be involked using qualified syntax T::method_name(..):

  let l : List[Int] = Nil

Unlike regular functions, methods defined using the TypeName::method_name syntax support overloading: different types can define methods of the same name, because each method lives in a different name space:

struct T1 {
  x1 : Int

fn T1::default() -> T1 {
  { x1: 0 }

struct T2 {
  x2 : Int

fn T2::default() -> T2 {
  { x2: 0 }

test {
  let t1 = T1::default()
  let t2 = T2::default()


When the first parameter of a method is also the type it belongs to, methods can be called using dot syntax x.method(...). MoonBit automatically finds the correct method based on the type of x, there is no need to write the type name and even the package name of the method:

pub(all) enum List[X] {
  Cons(X, List[X])

pub fn concat[X](self : List[List[X]]) -> List[X] {
using package with alias list#
  // assume `xs` is a list of lists, all the following three lines are equivalent
  let _ = xs.concat()
  let _ = @list.List::concat(xs)
  let _ = @list.concat(xs)

API design guideline#

Since there are two ways to define methods, and both allow dot syntax, a natural question is which syntax to choose when designing the API of a package. The rule here is:

  • if the package exports only one primary type, or if a method is intuitively unambiguous in the package, use the fn f(self : T, ..) syntax

  • otherwise, use the qualified fn T::f(..) syntax

Operator Overloading#

MoonBit supports operator overloading of builtin operators via methods. The method name corresponding to a operator <op> is op_<op>. For example:

struct T {
  x : Int

fn op_add(self : T, other : T) -> T {
  { x: self.x + other.x }

test {
  let a = { x: 0 }
  let b = { x: 2 }
  assert_eq!((a + b).x, 2)

Another example about op_get and op_set:

struct Coord {
  mut x : Int
  mut y : Int
} derive(Show)

fn op_get(self : Coord, key : String) -> Int {
  match key {
    "x" => self.x
    "y" => self.y

fn op_set(self : Coord, key : String, val : Int) -> Unit {
  match key {
    "x" => self.x = val
    "y" => self.y = val
fn main {
  let c = { x: 1, y: 2 }
  c["x"] = 23
{x: 1, y: 2}
{x: 23, y: 2}

Currently, the following operators can be overloaded:

Operator Name

Method Name

















- (unary)


_[_] (get item)


_[_] = _ (set item)


_[_:_] (view)








By implementing op_as_view method, you can create a view for a user-defined type. Here is an example:

type DataView String

struct Data {}

fn Data::op_as_view(_self : Data, start~ : Int = 0, end? : Int) -> DataView {
  "[\{start}, \{end.or(100)})"

test {
  let data = Data::{  }
  inspect!(data[:]._, content="[0, 100)")
  inspect!(data[2:]._, content="[2, 100)")
  inspect!(data[:5]._, content="[0, 5)")
  inspect!(data[2:5]._, content="[2, 5)")

Trait system#

MoonBit features a structural trait system for overloading/ad-hoc polymorphism. Traits declare a list of operations, which must be supplied when a type wants to implement the trait. Traits can be declared as follows:

trait I {
  method_(Int) -> Int
  method_with_label(Int, label~: Int) -> Int
  //! method_with_label(Int, label?: Int) -> Int

In the body of a trait definition, a special type Self is used to refer to the type that implements the trait.

Extending traits#

A trait can depend on other traits, for example:

trait Position {
  pos(Self) -> (Int, Int)
trait Draw {
  draw(Self) -> Unit

trait Object : Position + Draw {}

To implement the sub trait, one will have to implement the super traits, and the methods defined in the sub trait.

Implementing traits#

To implement a trait, a type must provide all the methods required by the trait.

This allows types to implement a trait implicitly, hence allowing different packages to work together without seeing or depending on each other. For example, the following trait is automatically implemented for builtin number types such as Int and Double:

trait Number {
  op_add(Self, Self) -> Self
  op_mul(Self, Self) -> Self

Explicit implementation for trait methods can be provided via the syntax impl Trait for Type with method_name(...) { ... }, for example:

trait MyShow {
  to_string(Self) -> String

struct MyType {}

impl MyShow for MyType with to_string(self) { ... }

struct MyContainer[T] {}

// trait implementation with type parameters.
// `[X : Show]` means the type parameter `X` must implement `Show`,
// this will be covered later.
impl[X : MyShow] MyShow for MyContainer[X] with to_string(self) { ... }

Type annotation can be omitted for trait impl: MoonBit will automatically infer the type based on the signature of Trait::method and the self type.

The author of the trait can also define default implementations for some methods in the trait, for example:

trait J {
  f(Self) -> Unit
  f_twice(Self) -> Unit

impl J with f_twice(self) {

Implementers of trait I don't have to provide an implementation for f_twice: to implement I, only f is necessary. They can always override the default implementation with an explicit impl I for Type with f_twice, if desired, though.

If an explicit impl or default implementation is not found, trait method resolution falls back to regular methods.

Using traits#

When declaring a generic function, the type parameters can be annotated with the traits they should implement, allowing the definition of constrained generic functions. For example:

fn square[N : Number](x : N) -> N {
  x * x // <=> x.op_mul(x)

Without the Number requirement, the expression x * x in square will result in a method/operator not found error. Now, the function square can be called with any type that implements Number, for example:

struct Point {
  x : Int
  y : Int
} derive(Eq, Show)

impl Number for Point with op_add(self, other) {
  { x: self.x + other.x, y: self.y + other.y }

impl Number for Point with op_mul(self, other) {
  { x: self.x * other.x, y: self.y * other.y }

test {
  assert_eq!(square(2), 4)
  assert_eq!(square(1.5), 2.25)
  assert_eq!(square(Point::{ x: 2, y: 3 }), { x: 4, y: 9 })

Invoke trait methods directly#

Methods of a trait can be called directly via Trait::method. MoonBit will infer the type of Self and check if Self indeed implements Trait, for example:

test {
  assert_eq!(Show::to_string(42), "42")
  assert_eq!(Compare::compare(1.0, 2.5), -1)

Trait implementations can also be invoked via dot syntax, with the following restrictions:

  1. if a regular method is present, the regular method is always favored when using dot syntax

  2. only trait implementations that are located in the package of the self type can be invoked via dot syntax

    • if there are multiple trait methods (from different traits) with the same name available, an ambiguity error is reported

  3. if neither of the above two rules apply, trait impls in current package will also be searched for dot syntax. This allows extending a foreign type locally.

    • these impls can only be called via dot syntax locally, even if they are public.

The above rules ensures that MoonBit's dot syntax enjoys good property while being flexible. For example, adding a new dependency never break existing code with dot syntax due to ambiguity. These rules also make name resolution of MoonBit extremely simple: the method called via dot syntax must always come from current package or the package of the type!

Here's an example of calling trait impl with dot syntax:

struct MyCustomType {}

impl Show for MyCustomType with output(self, logger) { ... }

fn f() -> Unit {
  let x = MyCustomType::{  }
  let _ = x.to_string()


Trait objects#

MoonBit supports runtime polymorphism via trait objects. If t is of type T, which implements trait I, one can pack the methods of T that implements I, together with t, into a runtime object via t as &I. Trait object erases the concrete type of a value, so objects created from different concrete types can be put in the same data structure and handled uniformly:

trait Animal {
  speak(Self) -> String

type Duck String

fn Duck::make(name : String) -> Duck {

fn speak(self : Duck) -> String {
  "\{self._}: quack!"

type Fox String

fn Fox::make(name : String) -> Fox {

fn Fox::speak(_self : Fox) -> String {
  "What does the fox say?"

test {
  let duck1 = Duck::make("duck1")
  let duck2 = Duck::make("duck2")
  let fox1 = Fox::make("fox1")
  let animals : Array[&Animal] = [
    duck1 as &Animal,
    duck2 as &Animal,
    fox1 as &Animal,
  inspect!( { animal.speak() }),
      #|["duck1: quack!", "duck2: quack!", "What does the fox say?"]

Not all traits can be used to create objects. "object-safe" traits' methods must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Self must be the first parameter of a method

  • There must be only one occurrence of Self in the type of the method (i.e. the first parameter)

Users can define new methods for trait objects, just like defining new methods for structs and enums:

trait Logger {
  write_string(Self, String) -> Unit

trait CanLog {
  log(Self, &Logger) -> Unit

fn &Logger::write_object[Obj : CanLog](self : &Logger, obj : Obj) -> Unit {

// use the new method to simplify code
impl[A : CanLog, B : CanLog] CanLog for (A, B) with log(self, logger) {
  let (a, b) = self
  ..write_string(", ")

Builtin traits#

MoonBit provides the following useful builtin traits:

trait Eq {
  op_equal(Self, Self) -> Bool

trait Compare : Eq {
  // `0` for equal, `-1` for smaller, `1` for greater
  compare(Self, Self) -> Int

trait Hash {
  hash_combine(Self, Hasher) -> Unit // to be implemented
  hash(Self) -> Int // has default implementation

trait Show {
  output(Self, Logger) -> Unit // to be implemented
  to_string(Self) -> String // has default implementation

trait Default {
  default() -> Self

Deriving builtin traits#

MoonBit can automatically derive implementations for some builtin traits:

struct T {
  x : Int
  y : Int
} derive(Eq, Compare, Show, Default)

test {
  let t1 = T::default()
  let t2 = T::{ x: 1, y: 1 }
  inspect!(t1, content="{x: 0, y: 0}")
  inspect!(t2, content="{x: 1, y: 1}")
  assert_not_eq!(t1, t2)
  assert_true!(t1 < t2)

See Deriving for more information about deriving traits.