Error handling#

Error handling has always been at core of our language design. In the following we'll be explaining how error handling is done in MoonBit. We assume you have some prior knowledge of MoonBit, if not, please checkout A tour of MoonBit.

Error types#

The error values used in MoonBit must have an error type. An error type can be defined in the following forms:

type! E1 Int // error type E1 has one constructor E1 with an Int payload

type! E2  // error type E2 has one constructor E2 with no payload

type! E3 { // error type E3 has three constructors like a normal enum type
  B(Int, x~ : String)
  C(mut x~ : String, Char, y~ : Bool)

The return type of a function can include an error type to indicate that the function might return an error. For example, the following function div might return an error of type DivError:

type! DivError String

fn div(x : Int, y : Int) -> Int!DivError {
  if y == 0 {
    raise DivError("division by zero")
  x / y

Here, the keyword raise is used to interrupt the function execution and return an error.

The Default Error Type#

MoonBit provides a default error type Error that can be used when the concrete error type is not important. For convenience, you can annotate the function name or the return type with the suffix ! to indicate that the Error type is used. For example, the following function signatures are equivalent:

fn f() -> Unit! {

fn g!() -> Unit {

fn h() -> Unit!Error {

For anonymous function and matrix function, you can annotate the keyword fn with the ! suffix to achieve that. For example,

type! IntError Int

fn h(f : (Int) -> Int!, x : Int) -> Unit {

fn g() -> Unit {
  let _ = h(fn! { x => raise IntError(x) }, 0)
  let _ = h(fn!(x) { raise IntError(x) }, 0)


As shown in the above example, the error types defined by type! can be used as value of the type Error when the error is raised.

Note that only error types or the type Error can be used as errors. For functions that are generic in the error type, you can use the Error bound to do that. For example,

// Result::unwrap_or_error
fn unwrap_or_error[T, E : Error](result : Result[T, E]) -> T!E {
  match result {
    Ok(x) => x
    Err(e) => raise e

Since the type Error can include multiple error types, pattern matching on the Error type must use the wildcard _ to match all error types. For example,

type! E4

type! E5

fn f(e : Error) -> Unit {
  match e {
    E4 => println("E1")
    E5 => println("E2")
    _ => println("unknown error")

Handling Errors#

There are three ways to handle errors:

  • Append ! after the function name in a function application to rethrow the error directly in case of an error, for example:

fn div_reraise(x : Int, y : Int) -> Int!DivError {
  div!(x, y) // Rethrow the error if `div` raised an error
  • Append ? after the function name to convert the result into a first-class value of the Result type, for example:

test {
  let res = div?(6, 3)
  inspect!(res, content="Ok(2)")
  let res = div?(6, 0)
      #|Err("division by zero")
  • Use try and catch to catch and handle errors, for example:

fn main {
try {
  div!(42, 0)
} catch {
  DivError(s) => println(s)
} else {
  v => println(v)
division by zero

Here, try is used to call a function that might throw an error, and catch is used to match and handle the caught error. If no error is caught, the catch block will not be executed and the else block will be executed instead.

The else block can be omitted if no action is needed when no error is caught. For example:

try {
  println(div!(42, 0))
} catch {
  _ => println("Error")

The catch keyword is optional, and when the body of try is a simple expression, the curly braces can be omitted. For example:

let a = try {
  div!(42, 0)
} catch {
  _ => 0

The ! and ? attributes can also be used on method invocation and pipe operator. For example:

type T Int

type! E Int derive(Show)

fn k(self : T) -> Unit!E {

fn l() -> Unit!E {
  let x = T(42)
  x |> k!()

However for infix operators such as + * that may raise an error, the original form has to be used, e.g. x.op_add!(y), x.op_mul!(y).

Additionally, if the return type of a function includes an error type, the function call must use ! or ? for error handling, otherwise the compiler will report an error.

Error Inference#

Within a try block, several different kinds of errors can be raised. When that happens, the compiler will use the type Error as the common error type. Accordingly, the handler must use the wildcard _ to make sure all errors are caught. For example,

fn f1() -> Unit!E1 {

fn f2() -> Unit!E2 {

try {
} catch {
  E1(_) => ...
  E2 => ...
  _ => ...

You can also use catch! to rethrow the uncaught errors for convenience. This is useful when you only want to handle a specific error and rethrow others. For example,

try {
} catch! {
  E1(_) => ...

Example: Division by Zero#

We'll write a small example to demonstrate the basics of MoonBit's error handling system. Consider the following div function which'll raise an error on division by zero:

type! DivisionByZeroError String
fn div(x : Int, y : Int) -> Int!DivisionByZeroError {
  if y == 0 {
    raise DivisionByZeroError("division by zero")
  x / y

In before, we would typically use type to define a wrapper type which wraps around some existing foreign type. Here however, we append type with ! to define a error type DivisionByZeroError which wraps around String.

type! E S construct a error type E from S

Just like type, type! may have a payload like the above DivisionByZeroError, or may not, or may even have multiple constructors like a normal enum:

type! ConnectionError {

To utilize DivisionByZeroError type, we would usually define a function which may raise error by denoting its return type like T ! E in the signature, with T being the actual return type and E being the error type. In this case, it's Int!DivisionByZeroError. The error can be thrown using raise e where e is an instance of E which can be constructed using the default constructor of S.

Any instance of an error is a second class object. Meaning it may only appear in the return value. And if it does appear, the function signature has to be adjusted to match with the return type.

The test block in MoonBit may also be seen as a function, with a return type of Unit!Error.

Calling an error-able function#

an error-able function is usually called in 2 manners: f!(...) and f?(...).

As-is calling#

f!(...) calls the function directly. The possible error must be dealt in the function that calls f. We can either re-raising it without actually dealing with the error:

// We have to match the error type of `div2` with `div`
fn div2(x : Int, y : Int) -> Int!DivisionByZeroError {

or use try...catch block like in many other languages:

fn div3(x : Int, y : Int) -> Unit {
  try {
    div!(x, y)
  } catch { // `catch` and `except` works the same.
    DivisionByZeroError(e) => println("inf: \{e}")
  } else {
    v => println(v)

The catch... clause has similar semantics like pattern matching. We can unwrap the error to retrieve the underlying String and print it. Additionally, there's an else clause to handle the value of try... block.

fn test_try() -> Result[Int, Error] {
  // compiler can figure out the type of a local error-able function.
  fn f() -> _!_ {
    raise Failure("err")

  try Ok(f!()) { err => Err(err) }

Curly braces may be omitted if the body of try is a one-liner (expression). The catch keyword can also be omitted as well. In the case where a try body would raise different errors, the special catch! can be used to catch some of the errors, while re-raising other uncaught errors:

type! E1
type! E2
fn f1() -> Unit!E1 { raise E1 }
fn f2() -> Unit!E2 { raise E2 }
fn f() -> Unit! {
  try {
  } catch! {
    E1 => println("E1")
    // E2 gets re-raised.

Convert to Result#

Extracting values#

A object of type Result is a first class value in MoonBit. Result has 2 constructors: Ok(...) and Err(...) where the former accept a first class object and the latter accept a error object.

With f?(...), the return type T!E is turned into Result[T,E]. We may use pattern matching to extract value from it:

let res = div?(10, 0)
match res {
  Ok(x) => println(x)
  Err(DivisionByZeroError(e)) => println(e)

the f?() is basically a syntactic sugar for

let res = try {
  Ok(div!(10, 0))
} catch {
  s => Err(s)

Note the difference between T? and f?(...): T is a type and T? is equivalent to Option[T] whereas f?(...) is a call to an error-able function f.

Besides pattern matching, Result provides some useful methods to deal with possible error:

let res1: Result[Int, String] = Err("error")
let value = res1.or(0) // 0

let res2: Result[Int, String] = Ok(42)
let value = res2.unwrap() // 42
  • or returns the value if the result is Ok or a default value if it is Err

  • unwrap panics if the result is Err and return the value if it is Ok

Mapping values#

let res1: Result[Int, String] = Ok(42)
let new_result = { x + 1 }) // Ok(43)

let res2: Result[Int, String] = Err("error")
let new_result = res2.map_err(fn(x) { x + "!" }) // Err("error!")
  • map applies a function to the value within, except it doesn't nothing if result is Err.

  • map_err does the opposite.

Unlike some languages, MoonBit treats error-able and nullable value differently. Although one might treat them analogously, as an Err result contains no value, only the error, which is like null. MoonBit knows that.

  • to_option converts a Result to Option.

let res1: Result[Int, String] = Ok(42)
let option = res1.to_option() // Some(42)

let res2: Result[Int, String] = Err("error")
let option1 = res2.to_option() // None

Built-in error type and functions#

In MoonBit, Error is a generalized error type:

// These signatures are equivalent. They all raise Error.
fn f() -> Unit! { .. }
fn f!() -> Unit { .. }
fn f() -> Unit!Error { .. }

fn test_error() -> Result[Int, Error] {
  fn f() -> _!_ {
    raise DivisionByZeroError("err")

  try {
  } catch {
    err => Err(err)

Although the constructor Err expects a type of Error, we may still pass an error of type DivisionByZeroError to it.

But Error can't be constructed directly. It's meant to be passed around, not used directly:

type! ArithmeticError

fn what_error_is_this(e : Error) -> Unit {
  match e {
    DivisionByZeroError(_) => println("DivisionByZeroError")
    ArithmeticError => println("ArithmeticError")
    ... => println("...")
    _ => println("Error")

Error is typically used where concrete error type is not needed, or simply act as a catch-all for all kinds of sub-errors.

As Error includes multiple error types, partial matching is not allowed here. We have to do exhaustive matching by providing a catch-all/wildcard case _.

We usually use the builtin Failure error type for a generalized error, and by generalized we mean using it for trivial errors that doesn't need a new error type.

fn div_trivial(x : Int, y : Int) -> Int!Failure {
  if y == 0 {
    raise Failure("division by zero")
  x / y

Besides using the constructor directly, the function fail! provides a shorthand to construct a Failure. And if we take a look at the source code:

pub fn fail[T](msg : String, ~loc : SourceLoc = _) -> T!Failure {
  raise Failure("FAILED: \{loc} \{msg}")

We can see that fail is merely a constructor with a pre-defined output template for showing both the error and the source location. In practice, fail! is always preferred over Failure.

Other functions used to break control flow are abort and panic. They are equivalent. An panic at any place will manually crash the program at that place, and prints out stack trace.