📄️ Sudoku Solver
Sudoku is a logic-based puzzle game that originated in 1979. It was well-suited for print media like newspapers, and even in the digital age, many Sudoku game programs are available for computers and smartphones. Despite the variety of entertainment options today, Sudoku enthusiasts continue to form active communities (online forum such as: enjoysudoku). This article will demonstrate how to write a suitable program to solve Sudoku using MoonBit.
📄️ Lambda calculus
Functional programming rises with the fall of Moore's Law. The full utilization of milti-core processors has become an increasingly important optimization method, while functional programming also becomes more popularized with its affinity for parallel computation. The reasons behind this trend can be traced back to one of its theoretical ancestors—Lambda calculus.
📄️ G-Machine 1
Lazy evaluation stands as a foundational concept in the realm of programming languages. Haskell, renowned as a purely functional programming language, boasts a robust lazy evaluation mechanism. This mechanism not only empowers developers to craft code that's both more efficient and concise but also enhances program performance and responsiveness, especially when tackling sizable datasets or intricate data streams. In this article, we'll delve into the Lazy Evaluation mechanism, thoroughly examining its principles and implementation methods, and then explore how to implement Haskell's evaluation semantics in MoonBit.
📄️ G-Machine 2
This article is the second in the series on implementing lazy evaluation in MoonBit. In the first part, we explored the purposes of lazy evaluation and a typical abstract machine for lazy evaluation, the G-Machine, and implemented some basic G-Machine instructions. In this article, we will further extend the G-Machine implementation from the previous article to support let expressions and basic arithmetic, comparison, and other operations.
📄️ G-Machine 3
This article is the third in a series on implementing Haskell's lazy evaluation in MoonBit. In the previous article, we learned how to compile let expressions and how to implement basic arithmetic and comparison operations. In this article, we will implement a context-based optimization method and add support for data structures.
📄️ Myers diff
Have you ever used the Unix tool diff? In short, it is a tool for comparing the differences between two text files. What's more, Unix has a tool called patch.
📄️ Myers diff 2
This is the second post in the diff series. In the previous one, we learned how to transform the process of computing diffs into a graph search problem and how to search for the shortest edit distance. In this article, we will learn how to extend the search process from the previous post to obtain the complete edit sequence.
📄️ Myers diff 3
This article is the third in the diff series. In the previous part, we explored the full Myers algorithm and its limitations. In this post, we'll learn how to implement a variant of the Myers algorithm that operates with linear space complexity.